Unique venues in Hong Kong

Premium venues
At Venues Hong Kong, we have selected a panel of venues for all budgets, all types of events and where we know that everything always runs perfectly.

at the best prices
We have negotiated unbeatable prices with 150+ partner venues. Book a venue with peace of mind.

and for every occasion
Whether it is for a wedding, a corporate event or a birthday party we will find the best venue for you! Venue rental is made easy.
Rooftops, Yachts, Party rooms...
Are you looking to hire a venue in Hong Kong?
We have classified our partner venues for you by type of venue: a modern loft for a trendy party, a yacht for a magical cruise, an open-air space for an airy event, a pop-up store or showroom for a successful product launch, a pavilion or a palace for a renowned gala evening, a conference room for your annual congress?
Select the type of event space you are looking for and discover the best venues in Hong Kong!
Wedding, Birthday Party, Corporate event
Do you want to rent a venue in Hong Kong?
Whether you are organising a professional, family or student event, we have classified our partner venues for you by type of event: a company cocktail party to celebrate the end of the year, a product launch to get the word out about your brand, a rally evening to create a bond between your children, a wedding, a seminar for a team building objective, a film shoot or a photo shoot in an exceptional location... Select the type of event you are organising and discover the most beautiful event venues in Hong Kong! Make your choice!
Find the ideal venue for your event thanks to specific criteria
You are looking for a venue in Hong Kong for your event and your criteria are very precise: a view of the harbour, an atypical or informal venue to demystify a business meeting, a room with large green spaces for a necessary return to your roots... Whether you have a small budget or you are looking for turnkey offers to relieve you of the search for different service providers: catering, sound, photography, entertainment... All you have to do is click!